Direction | Choreography: Blenard Azizaj
Area Jeune Ballet
Music: Stavros Gasparatos
Costumes: Marion Schmid
Repetition: Gérald Durand
Light Designer: William Ballerio
Production: Dance Area/Geneva
Dancers: Cathy Santos, Ivett Hernández García, Lionel Francisco Giacomelli, Clément Fleuriel, Wendel Mota, Jonathan Gonzalez Reyes, Luce Bron, Floriane Butet, Chelsea Shannon, Noa Silu, Parysek Maya, Antonin Pinget, Tiphaine Cointard, Nina Liengme
With the friendly support of Maya Gomez,Phii Micheli
Trailer:Alessia Sacco
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4zN7WDEE18
¨Walls¨ is an overused word, a strong image, a concrete reality. They stand for fear, hatred, exclusion, rejection, confinement, repulsion, negation… Indeed our hearts and our bodies long for the moments of fight with the monster that feeds itself from keeping human beings apart. Yet we keep fighting the Other, on the other side of the wall, still fearing they want to do us harm. There must be something radically wrong with how people perceive the Other Side..